Member Hosted Webinars & Events

[2023-05-18] Seminar: London International Disputes Week: International Crypto-Asset Litigation and the Intersection With UK Financial Services Legislation

London holds international appeal as a global centre for dispute resolution, which is why we are delighted to be part of London Internationa Disputes Week (LIDW) 2023.

Blake Morgan is hosting an 'International Crypto-asset litigation: jurisdiction and the intersection with UK Financial Services Legislation' event on 18 May at 10am in our London office.

Alexander Shirtcliff, Partner in Blake Morgan's London Litigation Group, and Henry Reid from Outer Temple Chambers will discuss the jurisdiction of the English Court, including:

1) conflict between the UK Financial Services and Markets Act, Foreign Law and Arbitration Agreements; and
2) implications for international crypto platforms and customers where the platform is not, but should be, authorised.

Learn more and register.

View the full programme on LIDW's website: 

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